Welcome to the Energy Compliance Navigator

It takes a City . Wherever you are in the retrofit journey, Retrofit.LA is here to help. Energy Compliance Navigator

The Navigator is a set of intelligent tools that will help you understand the City of Los Angeles’  Existing Buildings Energy and Water Efficiency (EBEWE) OrdinanceThis section will help you plan how to comply with the energy audit and retro-commissioning (A/RCx) requirements of the Ordinance. 

The Energy Compliance Navigator will ask you a few questions and  pull data from your past benchmarking reports  in order to:

  • Analyze the compliance options for your building
  • Figure out when your building’s A/RCx or exemptions are due
  • See how close your building is to City-wide performance targets 
  • Connect with resources that will help you save energy and water, and make your building more resilient 
  • Determine which compliance pathway makes the most sense for your building 

To get started,  you’ll  just  need your  LADBS Building ID.   Your Building ID can be found on your LA Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) notification letter.   If you don’t have your LADBS Notification Letter you can look up your Building ID  here in LA Open Data.