
We're here
to help

Before requesting benchmarking assistance, please review the Benchmark Compliance Instructions from the LA Department of Building and Safety. 

If you have  questions on A/RCx, please refer to the Energy and Water Compliance Navigators.

Benchmarking Assistance Navigator

Energy Compliance Navigator

Water Compliance Navigator

If these resources do not address your question, please review the list below to determine the best contact based on your inquiry type:

LA Department of Building and Safety

about us LADBS

Contact the LA Department of Building and Safety with questions related to your Building ID, notification letters, deadlines, registration (including changing contact information), payment of fees/fines, and  non-compliance notices. You can reach LADBS via email at:


Los Angeles Department of Water & Power

Contact LADWP with questions regarding status of electricity and water data requests, or issues with electricity or water data provided by emailing and entering “Building Benchmarking” in the subject line.

SoCal gas

Contact SoCalGas with questions regarding status of gas data requests, or issues with gas data provided. Contact SoCalGas through e-mail at: or via phone 800-508-2348


EBEWE Program Page

LA City Clerk Building Performance Standards

LADBS Benchmarking FAQS